Brothers Samuel, 18, Bernard, 17 and Josh Hangi, 14, fled Congo with their 29-year-old sister and arrived in the U.S. in 2014. Their mother and rest of their family is still in Congo. They all live together with their sister who suupports them in an aprartment in Clarkston.
The Jolly Avenue Community Garden in Clarkston, Ga. is available to residents who live with in walking distance of the land. There are currently 95 plots of 120 sq. ft. each. Each plot costs $15 per year to farm. The garden is run by the non-profit organization Friends of Refugees.
Diane Vyizigiro of Tanzania.
The Jolly Avenue Community Garden in Clarkston, Ga. is available to residents who live with in walking distance of the land. There are currently 95 plots of 120 sq. ft. each. Each plot costs $15 per year to farm. The garden is run by the non-profit organization Friends of Refugees.
Romeo Houessou of Benin.
Brothers Samuel, 18, Bernard, 17 and Josh Hangi, 14, fled Congo with their 29-year-old sister and arrived in the U.S. in 2014. Their mother and rest of their family is still in Congo. They all live together with their sister who suupports them in an aprartment in Clarkston.
Clarkston Mayor Ted Terry
Rayan, 7, holds up a drawing of the Syrian flag that she made at school.
Huda Osman's ESL class celebrating the completion of their class and beginning of pre-K at Pine Lake on July 27, 2016.
Huda Osman's ESL class celebrating the completion of their class and beginning of pre-K at Pine Lake on July 27, 2016.
Brothers Samuel, 18, Bernard, 17 and Josh Hangi, 14, fled Congo with their 29-year-old sister and arrived in the U.S. in 2014. Their mother and rest of their family is still in Congo. They all live together with their sister who suupports them in an aprartment in Clarkston.
Meh Sod Paw, 21, who was born in a refugee camp in Thailand is a Gates Scholars from Clarkston High School. She starts Agnes Scott College fall 2016.
Clarkston Community Center
Ali Sahib, 33, who came to the U.S. from Iraq owns Al-Salam International Groceries and Dijla Cafe & Lounge.
The Jolly Avenue Community Garden in Clarkston, Ga. is available to residents who live with in walking distance of the land. There are currently 95 plots of 120 sq. ft. each. Each plot costs $15 per year to farm. The garden is run by the non-profit organization Friends of Refugees.
Clarkston Community Center