Recent projects from the #weloveatl project

Photo by Tripp Cook
2016 weloveatl retrospective show at 787 Windsor
For the 5 th straight year, #weloveatl is proud to present a retrospective showcase of work from the #weloveatl community. All images
in this show have been curated from over 500,000 submissions to the #weloveatl hashtag on Instagram. 100% of print proceeds
supported the Atlanta Community Food Bank. Started as a grass-roots movement five years ago, weloveatl is now a non-profit arts
organization with the goal of empowering Atlantans to tell better stories about their city and to support non-profits in the city. Below is a
gallery of selected images from the show.

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Southern Refuge: Portraits of America's most diverse square mile
Southern Refuge is a photographic journey that visually shares the stories of people from more than 60 countries who, beginning
in the 1980s, found refuge in a small Georgia city, Clarkston. A small group of photographers working with support from
weloveatl and Square Mile Gallery spent more than three months building relationships of trust, listening and learning from people
who left everything behind in search for safety, security and opportunity. Through the lens of a camera, these photographers
interpreted life stories in a visual language that everyone understands. Barriers of language or culture differences were
removed and the clear image of a human being came through in every image.
The more we interacted with the community, the more we understood their hopes and dreams and realized that we are all
citizens of the same world, more alike than different. All proceeds from the show supported the Clarkston Community Center.

Brothers Samuel, 18, Bernard, 17 and Josh Hangi, 14, fled Congo with their 29-year-old sister and arrived in the U.S. in 2014. Their mother and rest of their family is still in Congo. They all live together with their sister who suupports them in an aprartment in Clarkston.

The Jolly Avenue Community Garden in Clarkston, Ga. is available to residents who live with in walking distance of the land. There are currently 95 plots of 120 sq. ft. each. Each plot costs $15 per year to farm. The garden is run by the non-profit organization Friends of Refugees.

Diane Vyizigiro of Tanzania.

The Jolly Avenue Community Garden in Clarkston, Ga. is available to residents who live with in walking distance of the land. There are currently 95 plots of 120 sq. ft. each. Each plot costs $15 per year to farm. The garden is run by the non-profit organization Friends of Refugees.

Romeo Houessou of Benin.

Brothers Samuel, 18, Bernard, 17 and Josh Hangi, 14, fled Congo with their 29-year-old sister and arrived in the U.S. in 2014. Their mother and rest of their family is still in Congo. They all live together with their sister who suupports them in an aprartment in Clarkston.

Clarkston Mayor Ted Terry

Rayan, 7, holds up a drawing of the Syrian flag that she made at school.

Huda Osman's ESL class celebrating the completion of their class and beginning of pre-K at Pine Lake on July 27, 2016.

Huda Osman's ESL class celebrating the completion of their class and beginning of pre-K at Pine Lake on July 27, 2016.

Brothers Samuel, 18, Bernard, 17 and Josh Hangi, 14, fled Congo with their 29-year-old sister and arrived in the U.S. in 2014. Their mother and rest of their family is still in Congo. They all live together with their sister who suupports them in an aprartment in Clarkston.

Meh Sod Paw, 21, who was born in a refugee camp in Thailand is a Gates Scholars from Clarkston High School. She starts Agnes Scott College fall 2016.

Clarkston Community Center

Ali Sahib, 33, who came to the U.S. from Iraq owns Al-Salam International Groceries and Dijla Cafe & Lounge.

The Jolly Avenue Community Garden in Clarkston, Ga. is available to residents who live with in walking distance of the land. There are currently 95 plots of 120 sq. ft. each. Each plot costs $15 per year to farm. The garden is run by the non-profit organization Friends of Refugees.

Clarkston Community Center

Video by Ray Haddad
Abandoned Not Lost: Exploring South Downtown’s historical treasures
In partnership with Kyle Kessler of the Center for Civic Innovation and the Goat Farm Beacons, weloveatl photographers were invited to
explore and document historic buildings in the South Downtown neighborhood. The Scoville Hotel, built in 1908 and part of Mitchell
Street’s Hotel Row historic district, and the Atlanta Eye Care building, which was constructed in 1879 as a livery and stable that first
housed the Mitchell Wagon Company. These properties, along with many other historic treasures in the South Downtown neighborhood
are currently being threatened by potential redevelopment of the area. Our goal was to document them in their natural state of disrepair
before they are changed – for better or worse – by redevelopment.

CNN Center
During 2015, #weloveatl's video installation in CNN Center's atrium shared the #weloveatl community's vision with the world by displaying recently curated photos from the #weloveatl hashtag to CNN Center's 3 million annual visitors. Photos from #weloveatl that receive a like and comment from @weloveatl were uploaded to the display twice each day and credited with the Instagram name of its photographer.

Photo by Aaron Coury
5 Points MARTA Station Takeover

Photo by Aaron Coury @the_atl_aaron
For those who don't know, for the last month Five Points MARTA station has been transformed into a gallery of your work. So for the final instameet of 2014, we wanted to hop on MARTA and go see it together! Join us for an instameet this Sunday (12/7) at 11am. We will be meeting at Victory Sandwich Bar (@victorysandwichbar) in Downtown Decatur for a bite and a bit of socializing, then we'll take MARTA to check out the installation. We hope to see you there! FB event here!
#weloveatl Pop Up Gallery at Ponce City Market
Photo by Kyle Taylor @chromeyellowtradingco
#weloveatl inspires and empowers people in the Atlanta area to come together and share their love of the city through photography and other visual art.
Now we're asking you to help build a collaborative, participatory show in the Ponce City Market Gallery over the month of October. Explore the photographic stories shared by other Atlanta citizens, and then add your own by submitting your own images on Instagram using #weloveatl. Over the course of the month, this gallery exhibition will evolve and grow with newly curated images, until we all come together on October 30 to celebrate our city together.
100% of print sales benefit the Atlanta Community Food Bank.
There will be a soft opening reception Friday October 3 from 7-10pm and a final closing party on Thursday October 30 in collaboration with Atlanta Celebrates Photography and New Belgium! See Facebook invite here!
Gallery hours beginning Oct 4:
Wed - Fri 1pm - 6pm Saturday 1pm - 5pm
Special thanks to our sponsors PPR Atlanta, Sam Flax, Ponce City Market and Georgia Wholesale Signs

Photo by Keith Weaver @keithweaver
45 X 45: Neighbors Connected
A project by Atlanta citizens with help from #weloveatl, The INSIDE OUT Project, and Art on the Beltline.
45 X 45 is a wheat paste mural and community photography project in which 45 Atlanta photographers took portraits of 45 Atlanta residents – each from one of the 45 neighborhoods connected by the Beltline – which were then displayed on a large scale mural installation on the one trail that connects them all.
#weloveatl strives to connect the people of our city to tell authentic photographic stories of the city we love. For a long time, we’ve wanted to connect the talented photographers of the #weloveatl community individually with residents of Atlanta to foster an even more intimate kind of visual storytelling through portraiture. The Beltline connects 45 neighborhoods – but more importantly, it connects the people in those neighborhoods. With 45 X 45, we assigned 45 Atlanta photographers to 45 in-town neighborhoods, gave them a neighborhood representative as a resource, and then let them find the portrait subject that spoke to them. We printed all 45 portraits in partnership with the international participatory mural project The Inside Out Project, and then wheatpasted them as a large 15 foot by 50 foot mural along the Beltline at North Avenue. We've collected the stories from each portrait session here, to foster the narrative story behind each portrait.
For us, the final mural is an artifact of an even more important work of art: what happens as we take Atlanta photographers out of their own neighborhood and into another. It’s about connecting and showing the many faces of Atlanta – what makes us all different, but even more importantly, what makes us all the same. For more info and photos check out the project website here.
#weloveatl Mobile Photography Gallery
In summer of 2013 with the help of Kickstarter supporters, we brought the celebration of Atlanta’s streets to the city streets by purchasing a Chevy P30 bread truck and converted it into a mobile photography gallery that displays a rotating selection of photos from the #weloveatl community. The truck rotates its selection once a month and travels to Atlanta-based festivals and community events (about 2-3 a month), with its location announced on Instagram and Facebook. All proceeds from print sales on the truck benefit the Atlanta Community Food Bank.

Photo by Tim Moxley @tmox

Photo by Nancy Cost @nanpareil